Sunday, 25 February 2024

March Of The Daemon Engines - Vigilus Wastelands

Points: 2000.

Deployment and Mission: Crucible Of Battle / Targets Of Opportunity.

Primary Objective: Purge The Foe.

Detachment: Anvil Siege Force.

Opponent's Detachment: Traitoris Lance.

This was an engagement in the Vigilus Wastelands between the Rift Wardens and a maniple of Chaos Knights. Following their successes in battles against the Imperial forces further south in the deserts, the Knights were pursuing the retreating loyalist forces. One faction of Knights, on the left flank, ran into a rearguard of Rift Wardens in the ash dunes. The Rift Wardens were largely an infantry force, supported by heavy weapons and some land raiders. The battle started in the afternoon with the Rift Wardens caught out in the open. Despite lascannon fire and Intercessor assaults, the Kinights gradually fought their way forwards.

The traitor Knights won the battle for the cost of just four engines. The Rift Wardens suffered numerous casualties with few surviours. By nightfall, the space marines were then in full retreat.

Saturday, 24 February 2024

Battle of Muktar Ridge - Dharrovar

Points: 2000.

Deployment and Mission: Search And Destroy / Targets Of Opportunity.

Primary Objective: Vital Ground.

Detachment: Anvil Siege Force.

Opponents Detachment: Combined Regiment.

The battle of Muktar Ridge was part of the loyalist forces attempts to dislodge the traitor forces in the jungles of Dharrovar Secundus. Fighting between the advancing traitor forces and the retreating loyalists, occurred after the battle for the Rift Valley. Operations occurred over an extensive area north of the Rift Valley and west of the location deeper in the jungles.

Strong Rift Warden defences in those foothills had successfully held out against traitor forces for a week after the previous engagement. But then, those positions were captured after two days of fighting and a cavalry charge broke those lines. The Rift Wardens were forced to fall back as the attacking forces were bolstered by several tanks.

This tank regiment attacked the space marines along an extended front through the wooded foothills over four days. A Rift Warden counterattack as eventually blocked by more tanks arriving from the deeper jungles. The traitorous guardsmen were assisted by cavalry and dozens of small infantry squads. Junction Station was captured and without further supplies, the Rift Wardens fell back to regroup. As a result of this victory, the jungles were fully controlled by enemy forces.

Friday, 16 February 2024

Battle Of Outpost Draconis - Paragon Secundus

Points: 2000.

Deployment and Mission: Hammer And Anvil / Hidden Supplies.

Primary Objective: Supply Drop.

Detachment: Anvil Siege Force.

Opponents Detachment: Gladius Task Force.

The battle of Outpost Draconis was fought over two days when the Sons of Oar attacked and captured the Rift Wardens outpost Draconis, protecting the chapter's flanks in the campaign for Helghast. This outpost, which had successfully repelled frontal attacks during the campaign, became vulnerable, after a six week stalemate, to a flanking maneuver by the Sons of Orar. This was made possible by the capture of local objectives, which had pushed the Rift Wardens back to their outpost in the fields south of Helghast. The Sons of Orar attacked the eastern end of the defences from the flank, while a second force attacked Draconis from the south-east.

The eastern end of the Draconis defences was captured in a preliminary attack, which was followed by the main attack, supported by terminator strike forces. The attacks by three companies of the Sons of Orar, supported by effective artillery barrages, resulted in the capture of the last row of defences after fierce fighting. Towards dusk, the Sons of Orar under captain Jamius, reformed in preparation for an attack on the outpost itself. The attack was progressing after sundown, when the Rift Warden garrison detonated an ammunition dump near the station, lighting up the night sky. The Sons of Orar attack, having lost the benefit of darkness, was halted for the night. Fierce fighting during a series of counter-attacks prevented the Sons of Orar from advancing.

Dreadnoughts were ordered to clear the way for the main Sons of Orar battle brothers, when the terminators deployed to attack the strongest Rift Wardens position. Although they dominated the battlefield, the limited heavy weapons of the Rift Wardens did succeed in decimating the dreadnoughts. After being held through the day, late in the afternoon another attack by the Sons of Orar captured the outpost. This attack, broke the Rift Warden lines and the survivours were forced to fall back towards their main force assaulting the Ultramarine positions in Helghast.

Battle Of The Paradan Trade Route - Corinthia


Points: 1000.

Deployment and Mission: Sweeping Engagement / Supply Lines.

Primary Objective: Scorched Earth.

Detachment: Anvil Siege Force.

Opponents Detachment: Kauyon.

The battle of the Paradan trade route was an offensive against the Tau on the southern continent after a major Imperial victory in the region. After a  lengthy stalemate a series of coordinated attacks were launched by the Rift Wardens on the Tau forces occupying a trade route between two major hive cities. During the fight for the road, the space marines managed to break up the enemy lines with ease. Over the next week, attacks were launched the Rift Wardens in attempt to capture the the Tau command position

Despite their failure to dislodge the Tau defenders, the continuing pressure drew in more Tau reserves, which made the attacks strongly contested. At this time, in coordination with flanking attacks, the Rift Wardens made another inconclusive assault with dreadnought support. This engagement continued into the following day, until the Tau defenders began to withdraw, as a consequence of the ferocious space marine assault.

Wednesday, 14 February 2024

The Fall Of Hindelgeist - Dharrovar

Points: 1000.

Deployment and Mission: Dawn Of War / Scrambler Fields.

Primary Objective: Take And Hold

Detachment:  Anvil Siege Force.

Opponents Detachment: Combined Regiment.

This battle was fought over just two days between the loyalist Imperial forces and those planetary defence forces holding the city of Hindelgeist, and came after several loyalist victories across the hive sprawl. The main fighting occurred mainly in the southern districts of Hindelgeist with supporting engagements to the east and west. It was an assault by the Rift Wardens which eventually broke the enemy line defending the core of the city. It forced many enemy regiments to evacuate before the city was captured.

Following Imperial defeats in recent days, both sides had adopted a defensive posture and a stalemate developed. Entrenched defences approximately on the lines were strengthened, and both sides undertook regular mounted recon missions into the open eastern districts. As the stalemate continued, loyalist reinforcements arrived from orbit to replace the large number of casualties suffered by the Astra Militarum during the fighting for Hindelgeist. The enemy defenders were also reinforced and both sides carried out sporadic raids.

Prior to the final loyalist attack, the core of the city had been developed into a strong fortress, with entrenchments, razorwire entanglements and weaponised fortifications. A series of field works, supported by artillery, heavy weapon teams and super-heavy tanks, surrounded this fortress. The loyalist forces began a heavy and almost continuous bombardment of these defences. During this bombardment, the Rift Wardens launched a series of night-time assaults. These were partially succesful due to the strength of the defending garrison. The bombardment intensified and during the next day, the Rift Wardens launched successful attacks on several trench systems. By morning, the defenders had been finally been slain. Following this, any lingering resistance was eradicated, and Hindelgeist was in the hands of the loyalist forces.

Sunday, 4 February 2024

Second Battle Of Paradox Flats - Mandragora

Points: 1500.

Deployment and Mission: Search And Destroy / Hidden Supplies.

Primary Objective: Purge The Foe.

Detachment: Flamestorm Assault Force.

Opponents Detachment: Black Spear Task Force.


The second battle of Paradox Flats was a major engagement fought between the Rift Wardens and the Deathwatch, The battle took place in the captured native alien settlement and it's surroundings. The Rift Wardens received reinforcements just prior to the outbreak. The Deathwatch returned shortly after and set up position surrounding the space marines.

Their assault position was directly south of the Rift Warden lines. The attack came with support of heavy tanks from the north and south. The offensive was executed in a series of attacks with limited objectives, delivered at regular intervals over three days. The attacks captured the Rift Warden held location within a matter of days. 

Saturday, 3 February 2024

Battle of the Rift Valley - Dharrovar

Points: 1000.

Deployment and Mission: Dawn Of War / Chilling Rain.

Primary Objective: Vital Ground.

Detachment: Anvil Siege Force.

Opponents Detachment: Combined Regiment.

The battle of the Rift Valley was a battle fought between the Rift Wardens and the Astra Militarum traitors in the southern jungles.

The Rift Wardens, reinforced by loyalist Astra Militarum, were able to break into the jungles and engaged the enemy forces. The engagement was brief and the Imperial forces forced to retreat. The battle was a demonstration of the effectiveness of the jungle fighters and their cunning infiltration tactics. The use of the jungle as a weapon played a key role in the victory.

Battle Of The Wadi - Dharrovar

Points: 1000.

Deployment and Mission: Sweeping Engagement / Chosen Battlefield.

Primary Objective: Vital Ground.

Detachment: Anvil Seige Force.

Opponents Detachment: Combined Regiment.

The Battle of the Wadi was fought between the Rift Wardens and traitorous Astra Militarum during the southern desert campaign of the Dharrovar crusade.

The battle began the Rift Warden forces were ordered to secure a water source by "any and all means necessary". The traitor force was sent forth to deal with the space marines and were ambushed, and suffered heavy casualties. The remaining space marines withdrew, leaving the Wadi uncaptured. The Astra Militarum forces pursued after the Rift Wardens.

Roar Of The Lion - Hesperus Prime

Points: 1000.

Deployment and Mission: Crucible Of Battle / Hidden Supplies.

Primary Objective: Supply Drop.

Detachment: Anvil Siege Force.

Opponents Detachment: 1st Company Task Force.

This was a battle fought in the streets of Dendelgheist between the forces of the Rift Wardens and the Dark Angels. The battle marked the end of a string of highly successful Rift Warden attacks. Only the supporting attacks in the neighbouring districts achieved a substantial advance. On the main front, the Dark Angels withstood the limited amount of artillery fire achieved by the Rift Wardens. The ground among the streets had been severely-damaged by heavy weapons fire, making some areas hard to traverse.

Dreadful ground conditions had more effect effect on the Rift Wardens who needed to move a number of tanks and ammunition to support the next attack. The battle was a defensive success for the Dark Angels although costly to both sides. The weather and ground conditions put severe strain on all involved and hindered both sides. After several days of heavy fighting, the Dark Angels were suddenly joined by their Primarch - Lion El'Johnson! His appearance on the battlefield turned the tide of battle, halting the Rift Warden advance.

The Line Falls - Omegon Theta

  Points: 2000. Deployment and Mission: Tipping Point / Fog of War. Primary Objective: Scorched Earth. Detachment: Gladius Task Force. O...