Points: 2000.
Deployment and Mission: Search and Destroy / Swift Action
Primary Objective: Burden of Trust..
Detachment: Librarius Conclave.
Opponents Detachment: Daemonic Incursion.
Chief Librarian Uther made an attempt to oust the Daemonic hordes from Megaborealis. Assisted by elements of House Avalon and Inquistorial agents, his force struck at the site of several blackstone mines near the outer city walls, which to fierce fighting between the forces gathered. The Rift Wardens made some gains, such capturing vital transport routes into the hive city proper. When the daemonic forces failed to push out the Imperial aggressors, the infamous Skulltaker took to the battlefield, lending his support to the battle. With his leadership, the forces of Chaos were able to reclaim some areas of the mine workings from the Rift Wardens and pushed them back some distance. However, Arthurus dispatched vital aid from the librarius, via drop pod and teleportation, and this assisted in braking the defence of the daemonic, and again the mines changed hands. The main Blackstone workings were retaken by the daemons after a particulaly bloody battle and was in their hands after two days.
Over the next week, the daemons under Skulltakers command fought a series of vicious battles against the space marines. In one such battle, the daemons drove back the space marines and their allied forces, leaving some with nowhere to go back out beyond the hive city walls, which spread concern among the Rift Warden leadership.
Uther subsequently redeployed his forces and further mining sites were captured, Despite being surrounded by daemons, the presence of House Avalon made a difference in their attacks. A second daemonic offensive came shortly there after but while the chapter fought here, the daemons were sacking the rest of Megaborealis unchecked.
As a result of the fighting, industrial plants and transport routes in the hive were largely destroyed or forced into abandonment. A significant portion of the hive's mechanicus population were dead or missing. The Rift Wardens had control over the vital blackstone mines but were in danger of losing the rest of the hive city.