Thursday 10 October 2024

The Battle of Apothe Gate - Grendel

Points: 1800.

Mission: Outflank.

Detachment: Gladius Task Force.

Opponents Detachment: Teleport Strike Force.

Agendas: Drive Them Back, Malefic Hunter and Recover Blackstone Data.

Opponent's Agendas: Headhunters and Reap A Tally.

Following the battle of Black Fields, it was clear that the breakthrough attacks in the fields outside Ascension Hive, and the Grey Knights were ordered to begin the siege of the hive city by attacking the Rift Warden defences at Apothe Gate, supported by dreadknights. These attacks continued late into the night and throughout the next day, when continued teleport assaults and aerial bombing forced the space marines to disengage. The Rift Wardens led by chapter master Arthurus, retreated from the Apothe district towards the heart of the hive, leaving a rearguard to defend the gate. The gate was captured, while devastating aerial bombing of the surrounding area blocked their own line of retreat. As all objectives had now been won, no further attacks were required at this point, and the Grey Knights slew the surviving rearguard and witnessing civilians.

Wednesday 9 October 2024

Battle of the Vangalt Defence Line - Vigilus Wastelands

Points: 2000.

Deployment and Mission: Dawn of War / Chilling Rain.

Primary Objective: Take & Hold.

Detachment: Anvil Siege Force.

Opponents Detachment: Pactbound Zealots.

The Battle of the Vangalt Defence Line began with an apocalyptic bombardment during which vast numbers of traitor tanks, supported by the firepower of two Carnage class cruisers, while traitor Knights fired a creeping barrage to cover the legionnaire assaults. The Black Legion marines attacked simultaneously along the front line, defended by the Rift Wardens and the Astra Militarum. During this battle, the enemy breached the front and second line trenches to eventually capture the defenders headquarters. On the right, those trenchworks were attacked and eventually captured by three companies of legionnaires. These three companies subsequently advanced, despite the defenders being reinforced by further Rift Warden squads, and captured supply points. This created a gap in the front lines for Black Legion bikers to ride through. They rode north and eastwards to the rear to capture the defending Imperial lines of communication.

The second phase of the battle began as soon as the gap was made during the infantry attacks. The bikers led the way north up of the Vangalt plains followed by hordes of legionnaires in reserve. These divisions subsequently rode across the Vangalt hills to occupy the wastelands beyond. The Black Legion slaughtered hundreds of thousands of guardsmen during this stage of the war.

The Rift Wardens command firebase was initially unsuccessfully attacked by one force of Black Legion marines. During this battle however, the Rift Wardens commander, chief librarian Uthar, was forced to escape, teleporting back to an orbiting battle barge. The firebase was captured days later, and soon the enemy had seized control over large swathes of territory. On the last day of the battle, the Rift Wardens attacked the Black Legion rearguard, killing large numbers of the traitor marines before fading back into the wastelands. 

Saturday 5 October 2024

Battle of Excavation Site 0045 - Omegon Theta

Points: 2000.

Deployment and Mission: Sweeping Engagement / Hidden Supplies

Primary Objective: Scorched Earth.

Detachment: Gladius Task Force.

Opponents Detachment: Battle Host.

For some years the Adeptus Mechanicus has conducted excavations into the desert wastes of Omegon Theta looking for ancient alien technology. In recent weeks they have uncovered what they feel is a buried ancient Aeldari craftworld. Within days, their excavation teams would find themselves under attack by raiding Aeldari and Harlequin forces. Requesting assistance from any Imperial forces in the sector, they were surprised to receive swift aid from the Rift Wardens.

The battle of excavation 0045 was the first offensive of the war on Omegon Theta. The contending forces were the Aeldari of Craftworld Biel-Tan with Harlequin associates, with enough troops to outnumber the space marines almost three to one. After the Aeldari attacked the space marine lines of communication, distracting the space marines and then broke through their lines. Wave after wave of jetbikes rode through the breach in the Rift Wardens lines and almost encircled them. With the arrival of a monstrous Avatar of Khaine entering the battle, the space marines fell back, giving ground to the alien aggressors.

Battle of the Tabor Fields - Pelucidon

Points: 2000.

Deployment and Mission: Hammer and Anvil / Raise Banners.

Primary Objective: The Ritual.

Detachment: Gladius Task Force.

Opponents Detachment: Gladius Task Force.

During the Battle of the Tabor Fields, the Rift Wardens attacked the entrenched White Scars and their Knightly allies defending the Tabor defences. These defences were located in the middle of the rival space marine's lines. The Rift Wardens attacked in a three pronged assault, and these developed into a major set piece offensive. Finally the main force, led by the chapter's Judiciar, smashed through the defences and led to a major defeat for the White Scars.

Battle of the Thulkas Peninsula - Talos

Points: 2000.

Deployment and Mission: Dawn of War / Stalwarts.

Primary Objective: Take and Hold.

Detachment: Gladius Task Force.

Opponents Detachment: Invasion Fleet.

The battle of Thulkas Peninsula took place over a week during the final days of the Imperial forces present. During the early phase of the battle, the Tyranid swarm attacked and overrun the front lines of the Imperial defenders under cover of an artillery barrage from giant assault monsters. The Tyranids victory over the entrenched Imperial defenders, composed of Astra Miltarum and the Rift Wardens, ultimately resulting in the destruction of the guardsmen, the retreat of two regiments and the devouring of hundreds of thousands. After the battle, the Tyranids pursued the retreating forces to the sprawling Damaskeinos Plains.

Monday 30 September 2024

Cover The Evacuation - Talos

Points: 1000.

Mission: Empty The Vaults.

Detachment: Anvil Strike Force.

Opponents Detachment: Invasion Fleet.

Agendas: Central Position, Hunting The Behemoth and Monstrous Targets.

Opponent's Agendas: Hunt & Slay and Tyrannoform The Prey World.

With Vardenghast overrun by the Tyranids, the majority of the Rift Wardens escaped via Thunderhawk but a small force led by Librarian Anwyr covered the ground escape from the city in a last ditch honour battle. 

Very few tanks could be spared for this attack, so the over flying Thunderhawks blasted the Tyranid horde on their way out. They provided concentrated fire which decimated the Tyanid forces under a creeping barrage that allowed Anwyr's forces to get to a suitable position in which to hold the enemy back. Their position consisted of a fortified position supported by old Militarum trenches and strong points. Here is where they made their stand.

The Tyranid horde smashed into their lines shortly before dawn the next day. The enemy found it difficult to breach the fortifications, which were held determinedly by the Rift Wardens. Anwyr's battle brothers suffered heavy casualties and he himself was laid low, leaving lieutenant Tristan to take control and hold the line. Eventually their force was recovered but not before suffering significant casualties.

Wednesday 25 September 2024

The Fall of Vardenghast - Talos

Points: 2000.

Deployment and Mission: Hammer and Anvil / Adapt or Die.

Primary Objective: The Ritual.

Detachment: Anvil Siege Force.

Opponents Detachment: Unending Swarm.

The fall of Vardenghast was a battle fought over two weeks after the Tyranids breached the gates and flooded into the city streets. The Tyranid horrors attacked the Imperial defences slaughtering guardsmen and civilians alike. The assault had devastating effects on Imperial morale, leading to mass desertions.

After a few days, a vast warm of gaunts guided by the infamous Swarmlord assaulted the Rift Warden positions defending the Vardenghast space port. Effectively employing bolter and artillery fire, the Rift Wardens managed to stall the Tyranid advance. However, the collapse of several other positions forced them to close ranks even tighter. The Tyranids spilled into the ruins of the space port district and pushed deeper into the Imperial positions.

This downfall of the defence of the city turned the strategic and operational balance of the war against the Imperium. The city fell to the swarming horde, and the space marines were pulled back to their orbiting battle barge to await fresh orders.

Tuesday 24 September 2024

Battle of Bore-Hive Scelerus - Megaborealis

Points: 2000.

Deployment and Mission: Tipping Point / Raise Banners.

Primary Objective: Burden of Trust..

Detachment: Anvil Siege Force.

Opponents Detachment: Daemonic Incursion.

The Battle of Bore-Hive Scelerus was a major battle in Megaborealis fought over three days between a vast horde of daemons and the Rift Wardens under captain Lorgraine. The daemonic horde was led by Kairos Fateweaver.

The attack at Bore-Hive Scelerus was part of a plan by Fateweaver in which the daemon sought to break through the Imperial lines and capture the hive sprawl. It was the largest demon offensive launched on Vigilus, and it caught the Rift Wardens in the process of bolstering their lines. This meant that their tanks were out of place and the daemonic attack, coming up against a disorganised space marine force, proved more successful than expected. The chapter fell back from the hivesprawl and left it for the forces of Chaos.

Monday 23 September 2024

Battle of Glaive Point - Dirkden Hivespawl

Points: 1600.

Mission: Spawning Grounds.

Detachment: Anvil Strike Force.

Opponents Detachment: Biosantic Broodsurge.

Agendas: Duel of Honour, Eradicate The Swarm and Headhunters.

Opponent's Agendas: Genestealer's Kiss and Silence Detractor.

The battle of Glaive Point was the last battle fought in the war for Dirkden Hivesprawl, involving the Rift Wardens, under chapter master Arthurus against an unsurmountable force of Genestealer mutants, in the region known as Glaive Point. Although these engagements were relatively small in light of the larger Vigilus crusade, it marked the first time that the Imperial forces surrendered a hive to the alien aggressors. Under command of Marneus Calgar, Dirkden was handed to the Genestealer Cults, while the defenders concentrated on more important hivesprawls. 

Saturday 21 September 2024

Midnight On The Firing Line - Pelucidon

Points: 500.

Deployment and Mission: Dawn of War / Fog of War.

Primary Objective: Take And Hold.

Detachment: Anvil Siege Force.

Opponents Detachment: Gladius Task Force.

Following the success at Fort Rannick, the Rift Wardens now reinforced by their brothers in orbit, reached the right flank off the Pelladon Wastes, and shelled the White Scars positions from the high ground. The left bank group reached the edge of a vast inland sea and set up defensive positions. That day, captain Lorgraine took several vital locations and allowed the chapter's thunderhawks to approach and land with minimal incoming fire. These fresh battle brothers then took a beachhead near the right flank with ease. After three days of fighting, coming at the White Scars from three directions, the Rift Wardens were able to drive them back, deeper into the wastes.

The Battle of Apothe Gate - Grendel

Points: 1800. Mission: Outflank. Detachment: Gladius Task Force. Opponents Detachment: Teleport Strike Force. Agendas:  Drive Them Back,...