Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Blood and Dust - Talos

Points: 1500.

Missions: Retrieval Mission..

Secondary Objectives: Bring It Down, Raise the Banners High, and Thin Their Ranks.

The fourth company under command of Captain Lorgraine was returning after a successful operation against the invading Tyranids. Oily rain and sodden mud made the going difficult on foot which caused the company to spread out as some units became bogged down. They became further extended when Lorgraine deployed small combat squads to back up the stragglers.

The hive mind observed that the strung out marines provided an ideal opportunity for an overwhelming force to roll up the spread out marines piecemeal and directed a large force to attack the rear guard.

Outnumbered the Rift Wardens set up a defensive position in an abandoned mining station and fought the oncoming horde in an hour long engagement that ended with the majority of the Tyranid organisms annihilated although the company took heavy casualties included a near death for Captain Lorgraine. 

Great bravery was demonstrated by the battle brothers as the casualties began to mount up. Lieutenant Andred would die shortly after the end of the battle from wounds sustained protecting his fallen Captain from a raging Heirodule.

The actions of the marines allowed time for reinforcements to arrive and a new defensive perimeter set up in the mining station. This prevented the Tyranids from continuing on and assaulting the Astra Militarum lines. The hive mind would have to revaluate it's strategies in the war for Talos. 

Victory for the Rift Wardens.

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