Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Hunt the Hive Mind - Talos

 Points: 1500.

Missions: Open War deck.

Secondary Objectives: None.

The Talos system is heavily populated due to the mining operations and support structures that allow the Imperium access to much desired mineral and chemical resources. Recently psykers in the Talos system began to suffer headaches and reports of whispers in the ether. The planetary governor recognised this as a source of potential xenos activity and was able to dispatch a call for help.

The Rift Wardens chapter were close enough to receive the garbled communication and made all hast to the Talos system. By the time they arrived, the Imperial Navy were engaged in a space battle with Tyranid bio-ships. The chapter made planetfall and set to assisting the planetary defenders in repelling the xenos menace. This would be a challenge to test the Rift Wardens to the extreme.

Upon making planetfall at Talos, chapter master Arthurus made the decision to attempt to take out the hive mind creatures in the local area. The idea being to disrupt the tyranid swarms assaulting the Astra Militarum lines. 

The battle brothers set themselves up ahead of the incoming force, hidden from sight. As the tyranid organisms came into range, the battle brothers of the Rift Wardens emerged and opened fire, slaughtering hundreds of the lesser creatures. Arthurus and Uther directed the Bladeguard to hold off the encircling creatures while they charged into the hive tyrant leading this swarm.

The chapter fought hard, bringing down many of the tyranid creatures but their numbers where too great. The Rift Wardens fought hard and did succeed in bringing down many of the larger creatures but Arthurus and Uther were brought low before the hive tyrant could be slain. Their brothers rescued them and fell back but the tyranids were too strong and the outer defences began to crumble.

Victory to the Tyranids.

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