Sunday, 18 October 2020

Battle of Mortem Abbey - Hyperia Hivesprawl


Points: 1500.

Mission: Forward Push.

Secondary Objectives: Assassination, Mental Interrogation and Thin Their Ranks.

The Battle of Mortem Abbey was a major engagement in the conflict for Hyperia Hivesprawl. It took place in the abbey of Saint Mortem between the Rift Wardens and the Order of the Bloody Rose.

A few days after the Rift Wardens were attacked by the Grey Knights, the Adepta Sororitas attempted to draw the space marines into a preselected kill zone with a campaign of selected misinformation. When the plan succeeded with the chapter lured into the ruined abbey, the Sisters deployed a force of a thousand battle sisters to entrap them within. The space marines suffered many casualties and injuries before they were able to force a point through the Sororitas lines and retreat.

Victory to the Sisters of Battle.

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