Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Uprising On Greyhaven - Pariah Nexus


Points: 1750.

Mission: Overrun.

Secondary Objectives: Engage On All Fronts, Overrun, and Thin Their Ranks.

The Imperial forces positioned on the edge of the Pariah warzone had claimed several worlds as staging areas. Greyhaven was one such world. Assisting the Astra Militarum forces here, were elements of the Rift Wardens under captain Galadhus.

Greyhaven was a unstable mountainous world sparsely covered in dense forest and jungle. The Imperials are most unfamiliar with this world and were forced to bunker up tightly in case of Necron attack. Greyhaven however, was the location of a small Necron tomb complex and within a week of the Imperial forces making planetfall, they found themselves under a sudden and frightful assault.

Captain Galadhus led the defence of the staging ground that his company were located at. They fought bravely but it soon became apparent they were greatly unnumbered and outmatched. Galadhus ordered a retreat and boarded their thunderhawks. Retreating to their battle barge in orbit, they bombarded the site with everything they had.

The Rift Wardens lost a number of battle brothers, vehicles and support elements. Galadhus himself suffered a life threatening injury but was swiftly healed by the apothecaries. Greyhaven would be liberated, he declared and began forming up a new strategy to deal with the Necron menace.

Victory to the Necrons.

Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Return to Armageddon - Armageddon

Points: 1750.

Mission: Battle Lines.

Secondary Objectives: Bring It Down, Thin Their Ranks and Vital Ground.

Following the appearance of the Cicatrix Maledictum, the world of Armageddon, still recovering from it's third war, was suddenly swamped with hordes of chaos daemons. The world was devastated as the Imperial defenders fought orks and daemons alike. With the aid of various space marine chapters, including the Rift Wardens, the Imperium has begun to turn the tide of battle.

The Rift Wardens had been operating under the command of a High Inquisitor of the Ordos Malleus, an infamous and heartless man named Butlerian. Before departing the system, Butlerian instructed captain Lorgraine to deal with a particular Cadian force lead by tank commander Pask. The inquisitor felt that this force had seen too much of the daemonic incursion and had most likely become corrupted. Better to see them burn than fall from the Emperor's Light. Vulkan He'Stan of the Salamanders chapter refused to follow this order, seeing the truth of the situation and warned that following Butlerian's orders would bring brother against brother. Lorgraine warned He'Stan that the Rift Wardens would do whatever was necessary, and if the Salamanders stood against them, they would suffer for it.

Vulkan and his battle brothers sided with the Cadians, lending their bolters to the defence of Pask's men. The Rift Wardens battled in the ruins of a fallen hive city for ten hours, fighting valiantly to achieve their aim but were unprepared for the sheer number of tanks and mortar teams deployed against them. Pask's command tank was destroyed but he himself was dragged unconscious but alive from the burning wreck. Lorgraine and Vulkan duelled in the ruins before both commanders were felled, and pulled from the conflict. With Lorgraine temporarily out of action, lieutenant Gaheris, a man of calmer mind, sued for peace and parley. With his council, Vulkan and Lorgraine both agreed to halt the conflict. Vulkan eventually convincing the Rift Wardens captain of the ill conceived nature of Butlerian's orders.

The Line Falls - Omegon Theta

  Points: 2000. Deployment and Mission: Tipping Point / Fog of War. Primary Objective: Scorched Earth. Detachment: Gladius Task Force. O...