Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Uprising On Greyhaven - Pariah Nexus


Points: 1750.

Mission: Overrun.

Secondary Objectives: Engage On All Fronts, Overrun, and Thin Their Ranks.

The Imperial forces positioned on the edge of the Pariah warzone had claimed several worlds as staging areas. Greyhaven was one such world. Assisting the Astra Militarum forces here, were elements of the Rift Wardens under captain Galadhus.

Greyhaven was a unstable mountainous world sparsely covered in dense forest and jungle. The Imperials are most unfamiliar with this world and were forced to bunker up tightly in case of Necron attack. Greyhaven however, was the location of a small Necron tomb complex and within a week of the Imperial forces making planetfall, they found themselves under a sudden and frightful assault.

Captain Galadhus led the defence of the staging ground that his company were located at. They fought bravely but it soon became apparent they were greatly unnumbered and outmatched. Galadhus ordered a retreat and boarded their thunderhawks. Retreating to their battle barge in orbit, they bombarded the site with everything they had.

The Rift Wardens lost a number of battle brothers, vehicles and support elements. Galadhus himself suffered a life threatening injury but was swiftly healed by the apothecaries. Greyhaven would be liberated, he declared and began forming up a new strategy to deal with the Necron menace.

Victory to the Necrons.

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