Saturday, 20 November 2021

Counterinsurgency Action - Otek Hivesprawl

Points: 2000.

Mission: Vital Intelligence.

Secondary: Data Intercept, Engage on All Fronts, and Oaths of Moment.

This engagement was a counterinsurgency action fought by the Right Wardens in a desperate attempt to contain the cult and eradicate it from Otek Hivesprawl once and for all. Chapter master Arthurus decided that a dedicated push against the cult was needed here and called upon several companies to assist, pulling them from other duties across Vigilus. 

The attempted enforcement led to a major battle as the cult retaliated en masse. The Rift Wardens were able to hold the cult and push them into a central location where the plan was to annihilate them. However, the cult had centuries to prepare for their actions and soon cult reinforcements were attacking the rear of the space marine forces, locking them between two enraged groups of cultists. Arthurus was forced to listen to his captains and lieutenants, and the attack was changed to an organised fall back, pushing through the rear cult lines. The cult suffered major casualties but the hive remained in their hands.

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