Wednesday, 16 March 2022

Alien Advance - Kaelac's Bane

Points: 1500.

Mission: Four Pillars.

Secondary Objectives: Engage On All Fronts, Oaths of Moment and Slay The Warlord.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Engage On All Fronts, Slay The Warlord and Thin Their Ranks.

In the frozen wastes of Kaelec's Bane on Vigilus, the Aeldari objective was to destroy the Imperial forces in a decisive victory which would allow them open up their attacks across the planet. The Autarchs assumed that the Imperial forces would be deployed defensively in the wastes around their Webway portal. Their plan was launch an overwhelming assault in three waves to overrun those defences as quickly as possible.

Even before the start of the battle, there were frequent raids by the alien forces. The first wave poured from the Webway ahead of the main force and attacked the Rift Wardens position. The space marines counter-attacked, but they were forced back into their fire base. The fighting lasted for four days when the Rift Wardens were forced to retreat under continuous waves of Aeldari attackers. Once the space marines has fallen back the entire Aeldari force roared from the Webway and meeting little serious resistance decimated many of the Astra Militarum defenders.

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