Sunday, 17 April 2022

Battle for Mech Station K-47 - Talos

Points: 3000.

Missions: All-Out War.

Secondary Objectives: Engage on All Fronts, Oaths of Moment and Surround Them.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Mental Interrogation, Spore Nodes and Surround Them.

Following the surprise victory of the hive by the Rift Wardens, the Tyranid organisms fell back to regroup to the South-East. The Rift Wardens under the command of chapter master Arthurus pressed home the advantage but reinforcements under captain Lorgraine failed to arrive in time to back them up and thus the Tyranids were able to join with further organisms and took up an unusual defensive position at a fallen Mechanicus station designated K-47. 

Captain Lorgriane reached the Imperial lines twelve hours later. The attack began almost immediately with 400 battle brothers split into three flanks. By the end of the day most of the station had been reclaimed. Attacks from the Tyranids continued along the front as they put up a fierce resistance and even limited counter attacks. Heavy and bloody battles occurred over the next two days and casulaties on both sides mounted. At the cost of heavy losses, the Rift Wardens with some Astra Militarum assistance managed to push back the Tyranid lines and secured a vast area of vital ground.

The Rift Wardens continued to push the Tyranids along the entire flank. One company under captain Lorgraine managed to breach the Tyranid lines on the right flank. After a further two days the Tyranid defence collapsed and the organisms were slaughtered down to the last. Arthurus handed control of the site to the local Astra Militarum commander and moved to engage the Tyranids at other vital locations.

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