Wednesday, 13 April 2022

First Contact - Bellaraphon


Power Level: 60.

Mission: Raze and Ruin.

Agendas: Kingslayer, Know No Fear and Reaper. 

Bellaraphon, a mist-shrouded arboreal world that borders the Great Rift close to the Eye of Terror. For many centuries, the adepts of the Cult Mechanicus have used this world for their strange and esoteric studies. In recent days the Rift Wardens have received transmissions from the planet requesting help following a spate of attacks by Aeldari raiders. The chapter translated into system and deployed to the ground via thunderhawks. The xenos had attacked several remote research stations, leaving them in ruins and most of their acolytes dead. The survivours report that the Aeldari appeared to be searching for something. Arthurus decided to lead a small force to one of these research stations in the hopes of luring the enemy to attack them.

The morning that the patrol arrived was thick with fog and light rain. Their reconnaissance was severally hampered by the terrain and the conditions. Unknown to the space marines, the attackers - a troupe of Harlequins -waited in the shadows. They watched the space marines scout out the ruins and mocked them for their foolishness.

The Harlequin troupe leader concluded that the space marine force was weak and no match for the troupe. Once the marines had entered the ruined complex he ordered an attack. The battle opened with heavy fire from a squadron of starweavers which destroyed the redemptor dreadnought escorting the Rift Wardens. The Rift Wardens tried to pull back but they had been surrounded and unable to escape.

After an hour of heavy fighting, the Harlequin's leapt from their transports to engage in close combat. The Rift Wardens counter-attacked but were kept at bay by close range firepower which took the lives of many battle brothers. As the squads fell, Arthurus was pinned to the ground by the Harlequin attackers. The troupe leader lent in and informed him that this world was not for them. They should leave before more were killed. The Harlequins then faded back into the mists. Arthurus cursed the alien and promised retribution.

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