Saturday, 21 May 2022

Fort Imperialis - Talos

Power Level: 60.

Mission: Narrow The Search.

Agendas: Cull The Horde, Kingslayer and Witch Hunter.

Opponent's Agendas: Hunt and Slay, Kingslayer, Reaper and Tyranid Attack.

The Tyranid horde advanced across the surface of Talos slaughtering their way through the Astra Militarum defenders and converging upon the Imperial command and control centre, Fort Imperialis. When the attack came, the horde advanced from the south, smashing through the outer defences. The encircling bio-organisms then surged forward and through the breach the shield wall despite intense artillery and heavy weapons fire. That night, reinforcement came with a company sized detachment of Rift Wardens. The space marines concentrated their fire into the breach, slowing but not halting the Tyranid assault. Observing that the numbers of bio-organisms had faltered, the Rift Wardens took the opportunity to enter the fray and for a short time inflicted heavy casualties. The arrival of larger organisms stopped the space marines from sealing the breach. Forced to pull back, the Rift Wardens were then unable to hold back the growing tide of alien killers. In the early hours, the shield wall had been breached in multiple places. Fort Imperialis had fallen.

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