Wednesday, 29 June 2022

Battle of Fort Luka - Vigilus Wastelands

Power Level: 60.

Mission: Cut Off The Head.

Agendas: Know No Fear, Reaper and Titan Hunter.

Opponent's Agendas: Exterminate, Priority Target and Reaper.

Day 1 - 9

The initial operations of Abaddon's traitor knight detachments began with an assault on the Imperial defences surrounding the various hive cities. The battle for Fort Luka was one such engagement that involved the Rift Wardens chapter.

A small detachment of traitor Knights from House Lucaris crossed from the Vigilus wastelands and advanced upon the Imperial held Fort Luka. The Rift Wardens, who had been using the fortress as a base of operations against the Black Legion and Ork horde mobilized quickly and using the fortress defences were able to destroy a scout force of enemy knights. On the 9th day of hit and run raids by the smaller Karnivore units, the main force of Knights arrived.

Day 10

On the tenth day of the battle, the main enemy force attacked en masse but the Rift Wardens were able to hold them off initially. Smaller Knights attacked the sides of the fort drawing fire away from the larger walkers. As sections of the outer walls fell under the assault, the Rift Wardens fell back to the heart of the fortress.

The space marines had now lost their artillery pieces as the outer wall fell. Parties of Karnivores crossed into the ruins in pursuit and engaged the space marines. As bolters and melta weapons failed to inflict enough damage at this range, the space marines were continually pushed back. Assault intercessors, dreadnoughts and what few tanks the Rift Wardens had at this point, counter-attacked with great determination. Briefly, the enemy was forced back to the breaches in the walls with the space marines managing to retake some vital ground. The Knights of House Lucaris withdrew from the claustrophobic streets of the fortress at this point. The Rift Wardens attempted to continue their counter-attack but were prevented from leaving the fortress by significant heavy fire.

Day 11 - 17

On the eleventh day of the battle, the Rift Wardens sought to re-fortify the outer walls using fallen blocks and rubble to fill in the gaps. During this time, skirmishes took place with the Knights once again performing frequent hit and run attacks against the walls. The fortress was soon ablaze and sections of the fort were now longer habitable. The space marine commander was slain at this point and it fell to Lieutenant Agrippa to take charge and he choose to request reinforcements from the Astra Militarum forces in the wastelands west of the fort but such aid would be delayed in coming. 

Day 17 - 18

During the night at this point the main Knight force charged the fortress and smashed their way through the walls, sending rubble and marines flying. The Chaos Knights began destroying the fortress from the inside, denying the Rift Wardens anywhere to hide. Many of the space marines were slain during this brutal and bloody assault. Agrippa was left with no choice but the pull his forces out of the fort and into the wastelands. Many battle brothers were cut down as they retreated but at last aid arrived with a Astra Militarum tank detachment with Imperial Knight support. The space marines had survived, barely, but a vital fortress now lay in burning ruins.

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