Wednesday, 8 June 2022

Night Falls on Grendel - Grendel

Points: 2000.

Mission: Open War Deck.

In the aftermath of the event known as the Night of a Thousand Rebellions, somewhere in the Segmentum Pacificus, the Rift Wardens along with a dozen other chapters assisted the Grey Knights in cleansing world after world of the taint of Chaos. At the end of one particular Crusade, against the world known as Grendel, the Rift Wardens were privy to things seen and heard that none should be. Just as they had been on other worlds in recent years, the Rift Wardens found themselves fighting against former allies in an effort to survive.

As the war changed tact, captain Gwaine assumed control over two companies of his battle brothers. The Rift Wardens then entrenched themselves into strong defensive positions around a small fortification.

The Grey Knights under command of grand master Voldus and Kaldor Draigo attacked quickly, closing in on the Rift Warden positions. They used everything at their disposal to dislodge the Rift Wardens but the space marines held firm, and on several occasions allowed Grey Knights to advance. When the daemon hunters came into range, the Rift Wardens fought back hard, and repulsed the assault. The Rift Wardens held firm and morale grew substantially. 

Had the Grey Knights broken through the space marine defences, they might have doomed the chapter and destroyed them. This defensive victory, along with other successes at other attack sites to the north, protected them from immediate retaliation. The battle was won but it was only the start of the war.

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