Monday, 25 July 2022

Battle of Brackenheim - Dharrovar

Points: 1000.

Mission: Forward Push.

Secondary Objectives: Bring It Down, Forward Push and Shock Tactics.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Engage On All Fronts, First Strike and Raise The Banners High.

At dawn on day 1 of the battle, a basilisk artillery bombardment began on the loyalist lines; throughout the day the traitor Militarum concentrated on the Imperial forces at the forefront of their lines. After a couple hours of bombardment the first enemy infantry assault began, with the enemy attempting to force their way across four bridges that crossed a vital viaduct. Four enemy battalions attacked the Alpha bridge, which was defended by a company of Rift Wardens. Advancing at first in close column, the enemy guardsmen made easy targets for the space marines. So heavy was the Rift Warden bolter fire throughout the battle that the enemy were swiftly demoralised. 

The traitor Militarum attack was a costly failure and they switched to an open formation and attacked again. This attack was more successful, as the looser formation made it harder for the space marines to inflict such heavy casualties. The outnumbered Imperial defenders were soon hard-pressed to defend the bridges and two bridges were only held due to piecemeal reinforcements and exceptional bravery. At Alpha bridge, Captain Lamorak took direct control of a several squads and launched a counter-attack. Although successful, Lamorak took severe injuries and had to be evacuated. The chapter's tech marines managed to destroy Beta bridge but were prevented from destroying the other three.

The enemy Militarum pressed their attack against Alpha bridge and the Rift Wardens. Greatly outnumbered, the space marines suffered many casualties but inflicted considerable damage upon the attacking forces. The enemy expanded their attack, assaulting loyalist defences along the length of the viaduct. They used the cover of ruined fortifications that lined the river and advanced to within a hundred yards of the river, to rake the loyalists with heavy weapon and artillery fire. The attack fell heavily upon the Rift Wardens, who despite many casualties repulsed the traitors throughout the day.

By afternoon, the Imperial position had become untenable, with thousands of guardsmen and officers killed or wounded. To the east, traitor infantry had begun to cross the bridges in force, threatening the Imperial right flank. With the loyalist Militarum now forced to deal with an unexpected front, the Rift Wardens lost supporting fire and the enemy were able to increase pressure against them.

Captain Lorgraine joined his battle brothers and upon reading the battle reports was convinced that an advance could still be made. However by mid-afternoon he was forced to order a retreat to positions a short distance to the south and the loyalist guardsmen performed a similar retreat towards evening. By nightfall, the loyalist forces had established a new defensive line running through a series of smaller fortifications. The enemy seized control of the bridges and were approaching the loyalists in great strength. The loyalist Militarum retreated further, dangerously exposing the Rift Wardens to the full might of the enemy advance. Shortly after midnight, Lorgraine have the reluctant order to retreat to the south-west to reach defensible positions. Lorgraine accepted that an advance would not be position and that the retreat was an unfortunate necessity. 

Both sides had success at the battle of Brackenheim: the Imperium had been outnumbered about 3 to 1 but managed to withstand the enemy forces for 48 hours, inflicted more casualties on the enemy and then retired in good order. Although the bridges were lost, the battle was an important moral victory for the loyalists as they felt that they had got the upper hand during the fighting. The traitor Militarum appeared to recognise that they had been dealt a sharp blow by an army they thought would have been an easy kill.

The bridges had fallen into enemy hands but realistically, the enemy were now contained if they wished to continue holding such strategic locations.

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