Monday, 25 July 2022

Fire and Ice - Vanaheim

Points: 1000.

Mission: Crossfire.

Secondary Objectives: Raise The Banners High, Shock Tactics and Slay The Warlord.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Attrition, Engage On All Fronts and Slay the Warlord.

The reason for the war between the Rift Wardens and Space Wolves has been lost to the ages. The archives of both chapters has been purged of this engagement and the lords of the two chapters will not speak of it. Even so, the war between the two chapters on the ice world of Vanaheim lasted for several months before both chapters departed leaving a blasted world in their wake.

Going into battle, the Space Wolves enjoyed two key advantages over the Rift Wardens: superior numbers and a better strategic position. Wolf Lord Danki Frostblade's force enjoyed a numerical advantage of two to one. On the morning of the first day, Danki's marines encountered the Rift Wardens under Captain Gwaine, near the town of Zakilov. At midday the Space Wolves engaged the Rift Wardens and secured a series of vital objectives. By the end of the first day, the Rift Wardens were driven back in disarray.

On day two, the Rift Wardens under Gwaine, tried to continue their advance south, unaware that Danki's forces were laying in wait for them. This second engagement lasted most of the day, well into the afternoon, when the Rift Wardens fell back to their staging area.

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