Wednesday, 24 August 2022

Andred's Revenge - Hesperous Prime


Points: 1000.

Mission: Sacred Ground.

Secondary Objectives: Assassination, Bolster Barricades and Engage On All Fronts.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Engage On All Fronts, Martial Interdiction and Oaths Of Moment.

On the morning of the battle, the Rift Wardens led by captain Andred entered the warzone and attacked the Dark Angels present. Unlike previous battles where the majority of casualties inflicted by the Dark Angels plasma weaponry, this engagement was a close range fight where the Rift Warden's close range bolter fire caused devastating results upon the Dark Angels.

The Dark Angels deployed their devastator squads some 200 metres behind the rest of their battle brothers, while the Rift Wardens tanks had the range to open fire upon them. With this deployment, the Dark Angels has accidently increased the effectiveness of the Rift Wardens heavy weapons, because without heavy support the Dark Angels lacked the strength to repel their foe.

The Dark Angels fifth company was on the right flank, occupying a series of roads between two of the Hesperous hive cities. Their third company was in the centre of the battlefield, with the fourth company on the left flank. The road had taken heavy damage during the war against the Alpha Legion and has sunk in places, providing inadequate firing positions. In many places the Rift Wardens could close the distance to the Dark Angel positions largely protected from enemy fire. On the right flank, the Rift Wardens marched along the road, rapid bolter fire pouring into the enemy. The Dark Angels suffered heavy casualties and were forced to withdraw.

In the early hours, one of the Dark Angel chaplains decided to strike back at the Rift Wardens, strike hard and then continue to withdraw his forces. The fifth company had a "hold at all costs" mentality and it was evident in their fighting. The second company of the Dark Angels were soon forced to fight a delaying action as the Rift Wardens continued to advance into their lines.

Holding their ground despite many casualties, around noon, the Dark Angel right and the left flank began to collapse. The arrival of Captain Andred provided a boost to the Rift Wardens. He engaged the enemy chaplain and although grievously wounded, Andred was able to lead his battle brothers to victory over the enemy. 

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