Sunday, 28 August 2022

Retribution - Hesperous Prime


Points: 1000.

Mission: Ascension.

Secondary Objectives: Assassination, Retrieve Nephilim Data and Shock Tactics

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Grind Them Down, Martial Indication and Stubborn Defiance.

From the war against the Alpha Legion, the Dark Angels had constructed five firebases, each of which was situated to give supporting fire to one another if needed. The earthworks included deep trenches and dugouts with overhead protection. The Dark Angels viewed these firebases as almost impregnable.

Dark Angel forces under the command of an interrogator chaplain split from the retreating companies and turned southwards towards these firebases. Upon arrival they bolstered the defences in preparation for the expected Rift Warden attack. The chapter was on the backfoot and needed to slow down the Rift Warden advance even if it cost the lives of their own to do so. That night the Rift Wardens attacked the fortifications, charging over meters of open ground. After suffering heavy casualties the Rift Wardens succeeded in capturing one of the firebases. The following day, the Dark Angels counter-attacked and somehow forced the Rift Wardens out. With the arrival of captain Andred, the Rift Wardens assaulted the firebases again. This time the Dark Angels were destroyed completely, including the brave chaplain who led this defence. 

The war on Hesperous was not going the way the Dark Angels inner circle had anticipated. 

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