Friday, 5 August 2022

The Battle for Mortwald - Mortwald

Points: 1500.

Mission: No Man's Land.

Secondary Objectives: Oaths of Moment, Secure No Man's Land and Slay The Warlord.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Despoiled Ground, Slay The Warlord and Spread The Sickness.

After weeks of fighting throughout the outer districts of Mortwald, the Rift Wardens found themselves in danger of being surrounded by ever-increasing numbers of plague marines. Outnumbered, the Rift Wardens continued to resist the Death Guard attacks, especially from the hivesprawl's interior. Things became worse when it was revealed that Mortarion, daemon primarch of the Death Guard, was active upon Vigilus and leading his armies against the Imperium. Arthurus bravely fought Mortarion to a standstill giving his battle brothers time to fall back and regroup beyond the hivesprawl's walls. Things had changed. Not just Abaddon walked the sands of Vigilus but now the master of plagues as well.

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