Thursday, 20 October 2022

Second Battle of Electros Hive - Mortwald

Points: 1500.

Mission: Tide of Conviction.

Secondary Objectives: Assassination, Retrieve Nephilim Data and Shock Assault.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Exalt The Dark Gods, Rise To Glory and Warp Ritual.

Chapter Master Arthurus ordered the streets of Electros Hive swept for enemy forces. During the sweeping, Lieutenant Agrippa, began the unopposed landing of fresh battle brothers in two groups. One at the ruptured gates of the Hive where the Astra Militarum fought to contain the enemy. And the other deep within the Hive close where they last engaged the Word Bearers. By evening of the next day, the Rift Wardens had deployed almost their entire chapter to the Hive, bar the scouts who were occupied fighting out in the wastelands. By noon on the third day, Arthurus ordered his chapter to march on the enemy positions. Well concealed defenders quickly broke up the advance. The fighting soon turned into skirmishing among the ruins and bitter street fighting. Agrippa, leading several squads of Eliminators, made good progress, capturing several vital locations. But by then, the advance had been stopped. The Word Bearers had scattered and isolated many Intercessor squads, and those marines were soon forced to fall back and regroup, giving up ground hard fought for.

A host of cultists loyal to the Word Bearers soon arrived and although not a major threat, their presence gave the traitor marines an increase in massed small arms fire. The Word Bearers commander attempted to envelop the Rift Warden squads, launching brutal assaults into the loyalists as they fell back. At least three hundred battle brothers were slain during this phase of the engagement.

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