Tuesday, 22 November 2022

Battle For Fort Angelis - Lucifuge

Points: 1000.

Mission: Secure Missing Artefacts.

Secondary Objectives: Assassination, Engage On All Fronts and Grind Them Down.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Fury Of The Lost, Psychic Interrogation and Relentless Assault.

Confident that his forces could capture the Blood Angel held fortification of Fort Angelis, captain Gwaine prepared his battle brothers as the evening began to fall. The Rift Wardens surrounded the fort without raising the alarm and then Gwaine gave the order. The battle brothers to the south launched the attack at the fort. Gwaine and his forces advanced while the remaining intercessors provided covering fire. Along the fortresses southern fall was a small gatehouse which lead directly into the fort grounds. The Rift Wardens had brought along a deimos pattern predator whose magna-melta cannon made short work of the gatehouse. As Gwaine and his brothers charged inside the Blood Angels opened fire.

When the attacking squads exited the gatehouse tunnel, they opened fire upon an estimated sixty marines of the Death Company. Combat lasted for around 15 minutes before the majority of the Blood Angels lay dead. Astorath and LeMartes, the commanders of the fort, fled as the last few marines were gunned down. Gwaine let them go as their deaths would only have inspired the enemy. Fort Angelis was in the hands of the Rift Wardens and although this was a minor victory, it was a victory all the same.

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