Tuesday, 20 December 2022

Deathwing Assault - Hesperous Prime

Points: 1000.

Mission: Surge of Faith.

Secondary Objectives: Assassination, Oaths Of Moment and Shock Tactics

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Behind Enemy Lines, Oaths of Moment and Retrieve Nephilim Data.

The war had raged on for weeks and Arthurus was becoming frustrated that the Dark Angels had not capitulated despite suffering heavy casualties and frequent defeats. He devised a plan to secure the ground in Sector 971 and push the offensive into the Dark Angel lines once again. By this time, both sides had been reinforced. The Rift Wardens planned to  send to fresh companies in ahead while an outrider force advanced in from the north-west. A third offensive would be made from the north advancing the ruined streets and thinly defended hab-blocks. The Outriders attacked first followed swiftly by the remaining companies although they did so under heavy fire. Overhead both chapters engaged in frantic aerial battles as their aircraft vied for aerial supremacy.

The main Rift Warden attack faced only light opposition, even so the chapter's captains were cautious and this limited their early objectives and failed to forcefully push into enemy territory. The Dark Angels were able to bolster their defences, preventing the Rift Wardens from penetrating too far into their territory. Swiftly the assault had stalemated into static "trench" warfare. The outriders however, managed to further in from the north, capturing territory from the Dark Angels and diverting enemy forces from the west to attack them.

Lieutenant Agrippa's strike force came close to seizing their target but was not able to claim it until the following the morning. On that morning, Agrippa led an attack on a narrow front to coincide with an outrider assault on the rear of the Dark Angel defences. The Dark Angels were well prepared and Agrippa's attack was a costly failure. The outriders had been slain during the night and individual squads that had supported them had become trapped behind enemy lines. Attempts to resume the attack were repulsed as the enemy introduced their secret weapon; the teleport deployment of teminators and deathwing knights. Throughout the Rift Warden lines, terminators materialised and the chapter suffered many casualties. The Rift Wardens held out for a further two days before the Dark Angels attacked en masse, led by librarian Ezekial. The Dark Angels recaptured lost territory and the Rift Wardens best hope of victory this time was lost.

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