Monday, 27 March 2023

First Battle For Typhonus City - Typhonus


Points: 1500

With reports of renegade space marines raiding from what used to be called the Maelstrom, the Rift Wardens have been diverted from their patrols to investigate. Arriving at the world of Typhonus the chapter finds it under attack by several small renegade war bands. Arthurus deploys his battle brothers to the planet's capital city and fights to defeat the smaller threats while the chapter launches strategic strikes across the planet.

Upon making planetfall the renegade marines approached the Rift Wardens positions. Their planetfall had been noticed and the forces of Chaos were eager to fight a real opponent over the pathetic planetary defence forces. When they arrived they found the Rift Wardens had heavily fortified their landing zone. Arthurus had laid a plan in motion and phobos units had arrived ahead of the main force and now moved to envelop the oncoming renegades.

Arthurus split his forces into three elements. Two were to march through the side streets and attack the renegades from the rear. Detachmnt A was given the task of clearing out any enemy fortifications near to the Rift Warden landing site. Detachment B was assigned to strike the advancing enemy forces from the rear while Detachment C was to assault from the front with chainsword and power weapons, fixing the enemy in position. Outriders would then circle and flank set up to block any anticipated lines of retreat. However, this would all hinge on how well each detachment performed.

Unfortunately the plan failed almost immediately. It seemed that the renegades were expecting such attack plans and modified their strategy to counter the Rift Wardens assault.

Starting out, detachments A and B advanced, trying to reach their targets in time. Detachment A became disorientated in the ruined streets and were pinned down by enemy fire in the ruins. Detachment B likewise ran into unexpected resistance and were forced to fall back and regroup.

Three hours into the battle, the Rift Wardens were no closer to achieving their aim. Rather than wait for his forces too consolidate, Arthurus ordered his entire force to surge forth and attack the renegade positions. However, without the initial attack's success, the chapter faced more enemy forces than had been expected. The Rift Wardens suffered heavy casualties, leaving the battlefield largely in enemy control. The space marines were now becoming more and more outnumbered. Regretfully, Arthurus pulled his forces back to the landing site and conducted a defensive war. Arthurus hoped that elsewhere across the planet, that his captains were achieving better successes.

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