Wednesday, 12 April 2023

Wrath of Be'lakor - Vigilus Wastelands

Points: 2000.

Mission: Death And Zeal.

Secondary Objectives: Abhor The Witch, No Prisoners and Shock Tactics.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: No Prisoners, Psychic Interrogation and Raise The Banners High.

The daemonic assault began in the early hours with a surprise bombardment as soul grinders materialised from the Warp. However, this bombardment largely fell short of it's target or failed to inflict many casualties as the Rift Wardens were heavily entrenched awaiting an oncoming Black Legion attack. The failed bombardment alerted the Rift Wardens to the coming attack withut disrupting their ability to oppose it. Shortly their after, Be'lakor and his legions manifested from the Warp and attacked.

Arthurus deployed his forces with a number of veterans in gravis armour, holding the left and right flanks. They deployed in a lose skirmish formation. One flank succeed in smashing into the daemon lines but were stopped and then forced to withdraw after suffering casualties from the daemon prince himself, As they fell back to their lines, they were outflanked and attacked by more daemons bursting forth into reality. With their flanks collapsing, Arthurus ordered a fighting withdrawl although they were hounded all the way back to the main Imperial lines.

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