Sunday, 7 May 2023

The War Of Nightmares part 1 - Vigilus Wastelands

Points: 1000.

Mission: Reconnaissance Mission.

Secondary Objectives: No Prisoners, Psychic Interrogation and Shock Tactics.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Despoil Dominions, Engage On All Fronts and No Prisoners.

With Abaddon finally taking to the battle field, the Imperial forces swiftly mobilized to halt his attacks. The various space marine chapters available split into three detachments under the command of Marneus Calgar. The Rift Wardens, under Arthurus, crossed the wastelands to the Halos Redoubt. In the wastelands, things started to go wrong. Sandstorms swept up across the deserts and the various chapters became separated and many vehicles became bogged down in the sand.

The Rift Wardens reached their position before dawn. After consolidating their position, the chapter pushed forward to engage the lead Black Legion vanguard. It was reported back to Calgar that surprise had been achieved. However, despite achieving surprise, Arthurus ordered his chapter to wait until other chapters were position before launching a full assault. He even ordered his stormtalons to fall back and await the order.

By the time Arthurus allowed the attack to continue, all hope of surprise was lost. As his tanks began their preparatory assault, Arthurus ordered his forces to attack the Black Legion along the left flank, although these were  now fully alert to the Imperial positions and manning a series of makeshift defences. By the time the main battle had started, over eight chapters had entered the engagement at this time.

Despite their missed opportunities, the fresh reinforcements, and entrenched Black Legions, by late in the day, the Rift Wardens were on the verge of a breakthrough. The chapter captured two lines of trenches but with no reinforcements to exploit this success they could do nothing but hold their gains. The Black Legion forces counter-attacked led by Abaddon himself, forcing the Rift Wardens to fall back in the evening. 

By the end of the first day the chapter had sustained a great number of casualties. The Rift Wardens were forced to fall back to a rendezvous position several miles back. 

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