Saturday 1 July 2023

Battle of Fort Pathos - Talos

Points: 1000.

Deployment and Mission: Hammer and Anvil / Chilling Rain.

Primary Objective: Sites Of Power.

Detachment:  Gladius Task Force.

Opponents Detachment: Invasion Fleet.

The Battle of Fort Pathos began with the overrun of an Astra Militarum fortress by the Tyranids. A general attack by the Rift Wardens, combined with the Astra Militarum further south, degenerated into a series of separate attacks due to communication failures, supply lines and poor weather. Biovore spore bombardments and gaunt counter-attacks began and continued for several days. The fighting ended with the Tyranids pushing the Imperial forces back and leaving Fort Pathos under Tyranid control.

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