Tuesday, 29 August 2023

Battle In The Wastes - Vigilus Wastelands

Points: 2000.

Deployment and Mission: Hammer And Anvil / Hidden Supplies.

Primary Objective: Priority Targets.

Detachment:  Gladius Task Force.

Opponents Detachment: Realspace Raiders.

The Drukhari offensive occurred mere hours after their last assault on the Rift Wardens. The offensive was concentrated in two zones: the hilly wastes west of the Hellstromme Highway and the edge of the Karst Plateau. In the battle for the Karst Plateau, the Drukhari, after bloody hand-to-hand combat, managed to capture the main transport road running between the hive sprawls. The Rift Wardens had to retreat, leaving the front in the hands of the alien raiders.

The bombardment at the Hellstromme Highway was extremely heavy and effective. Chaplain Mordred requested reinforcements but was denied. As the battle shifted into the afternoon, the Archon warlord ordered his forces to attack. In under an hour, the combined raiding force was once more assaulting the space marine positions.

Simultaneously, a wytch cult force led by Lillith Hesperex also joined in the fight. Her cult forces succeeded in punching a hole in the Rift Warden lines while the space marines retreated waiting for the chance to counter-attack. In the absence of reinforcements, that counter attack never happened. With the capture of the space marine positions, the previously strong Rift Warden defensive line rapidly disintegrated. 

Mordred ordered his men to fall back further to the east. The vital desert route, the Hellstromme Highway, once secure for the armoured convoys was now a prime target for the Drukhari.

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