Tuesday, 1 August 2023

Operation Stonewall - Vigilus Wastelands

Points: 1000.

Mission: Secure The Tunnels.

Detachment: Gladius Task Force.

Opponents Detachment: Traitoris Lance.

Agendas: Monstrous Targets and Recover Mission Archives.

Opponent's Agendas: Battlefield Surviours and Cleanse Infestation.

Opetration Stonewall was an attempt by Imperial forces to halt the Chaos forces in Mortwald Hivesprawl from securing reinforcements from House Vextrix in the wastelands. Imperial warzone Marneus Calgar ordered the Rift Wardens to halt the oncoming enemy advance. Arthurus argued that such an operation was a waste of his chapters' abilities and would incur a significant loss of battle brothers but Calgar would not be swayed. Reluctantly, Arthurus lead a small force of Rift Wardens in a vain attempt to stop House Vextrix.

Thankfully for the Rift Wardens, the traitor attacks on their position were hampered by violent dust storms, a network of hastily dug trenches and shell-holes. As more of Abaddon's allies marched on Mortwald, House Vextrix attempted to keep the Rift Wardens attention on themselves. As he expected, Arthurus' troops suffered heavy casualties and eventually he had no option but to order a withdrawal. The traitor Knights hounded the Rift Wardens as they fell back towards the Imperial lines, but nothing could stop the advance as House Vextrix reinforcements entered the Mortwald war zone.

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