Friday, 22 September 2023

Battle of Morvaal District - Mortwald

Points: 2000.

Deployment and Mission: Crucible Of Battle / Chilling Rain.

Primary Objective: Purge The Foe.

Detachment: Gladius Task Force.

Opponents Detachment: Berzerker Warband.

The battle of the Morvaal district was an attack during the defence of Mortwald by the Rift Wardens, where the chapter sought to dislodge a World Eaters force led by Lord Invocatus from the district. The main Rift Warden attack was postponed to combine with attacks by the Cadian 4445th regiment and several small detachments from other space marine forces in the hive.

The attack was to close up the enemy defences between three different sub-districts. The combined attack from the north was also intended to deprive the World Eaters from reinforcements, before the 4445th attacked.

The three targeted sub-districts were captured and many casualties inflicted on the World Eaters. The Cadian 4445th made slow progress however, due to collapsed hab-blocks and ruined structures blocking the streets on their planned route. The Rift Wardens moved north to allow the Cadians more room to deploy their forces but the great quantity of daemonic war engines limited the guardsmens advance. The Rift Wardens under the command of captain Lorgraine advanced deep into enemy territory and left the World Eaters in severe difficulties, particularly when it appeared that Invocatus had been slain.

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