Saturday, 2 September 2023

Forced Evacuation - Talos

Points: 1000.

Deployment and Mission: Hammer And Anvil / Hidden Supplies.

Primary Objective: Take And Hold.

Detachment:  Gladius Task Force.

Opponents Detachment: Invasion Fleet.

This battle was fought as the Imperial forces prepared to evacuate the southern continent to focus on the defence of the western continent. The Tyranids had breached the Imperial lines and into the main base of operations, causing much chaos and disruption. Arthurus learnt of this shortly after the attack began and dispatched Lieutenant Tristan to investigate.

The Rift Wardens were forced to withdraw almost immediately in the face of overwhelming Tyranid numbers. Despite several skirmishes, the Tyranids never succeeded in drawing out the main body of the space marine forces to face their superior numbers. However, despite this the Imperial forces lost several important supply locations when they were forced to evacuate before they were ready.

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