Friday, 27 October 2023

Battle Of The Dunes - Pariah Nexus

Points: 1000.

Deployment and Mission: Crucible Of Battle / Scrambler Fields.

Primary Objective: Sites Of Power.

Detachment: Anvil Siege Force.

Opponents Detachment: Awakened Dynasty.

The Battle of the Dunes was a minor engagement between Rift Warden and Necron forces during the Deep Desert campaign. Several Rift Wardens squads were ordered to attack Necron forces that had been detected marching from the tomb complex at the heart of the desert. The Rift Warden advance was detected by the Necron sentries, which enabled them to prepare and repulse the attack.

Battle For Munitions Depot Alpha-Bravo 223 - Talos


Points: 2000.

Deployment and Mission: Sweeping Engagement / Chilling Rain.

Primary Objective: Sites Of Power.

Detachment: Anvil Siege Force.

Opponents Detachment: Vanguard Onslaught.

There were few setbacks for the Tyranids in their attempts to breach the walls of Hive Vardenghast. Led by the entity known as Deathleaper, the Tyranids snuck forward along the sides of the Varden River, which flows into the hive city through as vast sluice gate. Between them and the gate was a munitions depot. Munitions Depot Alpha-Bravo 223 was contested by the Rift Wardens as they sought to drive out the Tyranid aggressors. The Tyranids then had to force the Rift Wardens out of a long defensive line along the Varden River. These engagements took the Tyranids nearly two weeks. Other outer defence works along the river soon fell to the alien anvance.

Captain Lamorak choose to lead the defence of Vardenghast at Alpha-Bravo 223. The Rift Wardens resisted the initial Tyranid assault. Deathleaper led the majority of it's forces north in an attempt to outflank the space marines and then strike the depot directly. Lamorak responded by shifting his battle brothers out of their defensive positions to mirror the move to the north. Five squads of Intercessors were left to hold the depot. The Tyranids crushed this force with a sudden assault shortly afterwards, This sudden defeat concerned Lamorak and he ordered his forces back behind the walls of Hive Vardenghast.

Arthurus ordered the full evacuation of the outer defences but the situation was rapidly moving beyond their ability to control. The Tyranids followed close on the heels of the Rift Wardens and overran the outer defences without a fight.

Wednesday, 25 October 2023

The Second Battle of the Caladon Flats - Corinthia


Points: 1000.

Deployment and Mission: Crucible of Battle / Scrambler Fields.

Primary Objective: Priority Targets.

Detachment: Gladius Task Force.

Opponents Detachment: Kauyon.

The second battle of the Caladon Flats was fought between the Rift Wardens and Tau forces several days after the first battle. The engagement was part of the Rift Wardens campaign to retake Hive Imperialis.

The Rift Warden task force, led by lieutenant Tristan, recaptured the Flats, bur the Tau garrison there did not get trapped as the space marine commander had hoped. The Tau commander, Shadowsun, managed a good-order retreat from the Caladon Flats of her remaining troops, pursued by the Rift Wardens. With this territory recaptured, the Rift Wardens planned their recapture of Hive Imperalis.

Tuesday, 24 October 2023

Battle Of The Caladon Flats - Corinthia

Points: 1500.

Deployment and Mission: Search And Destroy / Supply Lines.

Primary Objective: Priority Targets.

Detachment: Anvil Siege Force.

Opponents Detachment: Kauyon.

The Battle of the Caladon Flats was an engagement fought to capture fresh territory by the Tau Empire during the early days of the Corinthian Crusade. The Tau expeditionary force attacked an entrenched Rift Wardens garrison close to the main battle front. The battle marked the beginning of fighting in and around the Caladon Flats.

After the Tau victory at Hive Imperialis, the Imperial forces had been forced back to the southern territories as the Tau expeditionary force pushed eastwards, supported by extended supply lines. This advance depended on securing safe supply routes from the Tau main lines. As they expanded their territory, an attack on the Rift Warden positions become possible. During the day long assault, the space marine garrison defended a series of fortified redoubts and trenches on rising ground surrounded by flat grassland. They were eventually encircled by the Tau battlesuits and fire warrior teams, By the late afternoon, the Tau had captured the central redoubt and the remaining defences were occupied shortly afterwards.

Monday, 16 October 2023

Deserts of Zann - Pariah Nexus

Points: 2000.

Deployment and Mission: Crucible Of Battle / Targets Of Opportunity.

Primary Objective: Take And Hold.

Detachment: Gladius Task Force.

Opponents Detachment: Awakened Dynasty.

This battle took place during the Imperial attack on Zann, specifically the campaign to eradicate the Necron forces from the deserts of the southern continent.  The Rift Wardens under Captain Vortigern came under attack early on by a sizeable Necron force led by Orikan the Diviner. The Rift Wardens had fortified a series of fire bases surrounding the deserts edge.

Prior to the events of this engagement, Orikan's forces had been forced to retreat from the deep deserts after an series of successful assaults by the Deathwatch. The xenos hunters pursued the Necron forces, pushing them eastwards and allowing Imperial forces to consolidate and garrison vital sites in the central desert wastes. Patrols and reconnaissance by Orikan's forces soon detacted that the only way out was through the Rift Warden positions. 

As the twin suns rose over the horizon, Orikan's force matrialised from the heat haze and attacked the space marine positions. During the fierce fighting, the tactic of advancing forward while aircraft straffed the positions and deathmarks assassinated important marine officers prevailed, while the main force supported by giant walking machines laid waste to anything else the Rift Wardens moved into battle. The space marines themselves werre unable to hold their positions under such devastating assault. Vortigern had no choice but to abandon the fire bases to the enemy for now.

Wednesday, 11 October 2023

Battle of Nocturne Gate - Dontoria Hivesprawl


Points: 2000.

Deployment and Mission: Crucible Of Battle / Delayed Reserves and Secret Intel.

Primary Objective: Sites Of Power.

Detachment: Gladius Task Force.

Opponents Detachment: Plague Company.

During the night, Mortrarion, Typhus and several plague marine squads stealthily crept up as close to the Rift Warden position at the Nocturne Gate without arousing suspicion. On a sign from Typhus, the Death Guard made a charge for the open gate. The Rift Wardens, taken by surprise, were unable to close the gate in time. The space marines were able to let lose a fusillade of bolter and plasma fire which cut down many of the incoming plague marines. Mortarion crashed through the gate, and his forces opened fire upon the Imperial defenders as they followed in behind him. After a fierce firefight the gate was secured and the battle was over. During the battle, the majority of the Rift Wardens fell back from the gate leaving a number of volunteers to surrender their lives to allow the retreat to be a success,

Saturday, 7 October 2023

Power Play - Hesperous Prime

Points: 1000.

Deployment and Mission: Hammer And Anvil / Chilling Rain.

Primary Objective: Sites Of Power.

Detachment: Gladius Task Force.

Opponents Detachment: Gladius Task Force.

The Dark Angels plan now is to assassinate the Rift Warden leadership and plunge the chapter into disarray, thus making them easy prey. The first attempt to do so was ill conceived and the Rift Wardens crushed those troops sent against them. However, within days the Dark Angels defeated an advancing column of enemy troops and slew their lieutenant commander. In retaliation, a sizeable force was marched to battle and the two space marine chapters faced each other in the lower streets of Dendelgeist Hive.

The Rift Wardens opened the battle early in the morning, but their heavy weapon fire was put out of commission by the Dark Angels. Terrified civilians described the battle opening with a charge by the Rift Warden's Outriders. However, the Dark Angels fired their bolt weapons in rapid succession and the slew dozens of the loyalist marines. The Dark Angels then assaulted and fought to kill in assault, specifically targeting those Outriders they could reach. 

The Rift Wardens realised that they were outmatched here and were able to withdraw. The Dark Angels however, burnt the enemy dead, denying them any of their precious geneseed. 

A Friendly Fire Incident - Dharrovar


Points: 1000.

Deployment and Mission: Search And Destroy / Hidden Supplies.

Primary Objective: Priority Targets.

Detachment: Gladius Task Force.

Opponents Detachment: Noble Lance.

In the deep southern deserts a detachment of Rift Wardens were relayed incorrect information from Imperial Navy pilots about the disposition of enemy forces and led to them coming into conflict with their own allies.

Having detected the supposed enemy forces, the Rift Wardens engaged in a series of fast hit and run strikes, preventing the enemy from recovering easily. However, the return fire and counter-attacks led to significant casualties among the space marines. It was only after an hours fighting, and the destruction of a team of Inquisitorial henchmen that the space marines realized the error of their ways and brought a halt to the fighting.

Despite the death and destruction on both sides, the situation was rectified in parlay, and the chapter offered their services to their Knightly Household in a future engagement. No one told the Inquisitor what happened to to their henchmen.

Opportunistic Strike - Vigilus Wastelands


Points: 2000.

Deployment and Mission: Dawn of War / Chosen Battlefield.

Primary Objective: Priority Targets.

Detachment: Gladius Task Force.

Opponents Detachment: Battle Host.

When Imperial forces in the wastelands detected an Aeldari force heading towards Hyperia Hivesprawl, they opened fire and drew themselves into a brief but brutal conflict. The Rift Wardens heavy weapons fire brought down two Wave Serpent transports and forced the Aeldari survivours to take cover in the ash dunes. Not wanting to risk unnecessary casualties, the Aeldari waited until nightfall to attack. Wraithguard reinforcements arrived the following morning, but they discovered the space marines had left a token defence force and largely fallen back to Hyperia. Aeldari jetbikes skimmed the defences cutting down defenders with savage shuriken fire. With the Rift Wardens distracted by the skimmers, a combined force of wraith constructs overran the defences and slew the defending marines, before the alien force continued on their path towards the capitol of Vigilus.

Tuesday, 3 October 2023

The Fields Of Vardenghast - Talos

Points: 1000.

Mission: Spawning Grounds.

Detachment: Gladius Task Force.

Opponents Detachment: Invasion Fleet.

Agendas: Monstrous Targets and Retrieve Mission Archive.

Opponent's Agendas: Hunt & Slay and Tyranid Attack.

Having abandoned the doomed southern continent for the still viable western continent, the Rift Wardens have joined with numerus other survivours of the Talos crusade to halt the Tyranid advance in the vicinity of the mighty Vardenghast hive sprawl.

Not long after the chapter's arrival, the Hive Mind struck against the newly arrived Imperial defenders. The Tyranids attacked along the banks of the Varden Flow, a river that supplied water to the hive. This initial force lost half it's numbers as the Rift Wardens provided much needed firepower. However, the Tyranids had a decisive numeral advantage that the space marines could not stem. Reluctantly, Arthurus ordered his forces behind the walls of Vardenghast and prepared to weather the storm.

The Line Falls - Omegon Theta

  Points: 2000. Deployment and Mission: Tipping Point / Fog of War. Primary Objective: Scorched Earth. Detachment: Gladius Task Force. O...