Tuesday, 3 October 2023

The Fields Of Vardenghast - Talos

Points: 1000.

Mission: Spawning Grounds.

Detachment: Gladius Task Force.

Opponents Detachment: Invasion Fleet.

Agendas: Monstrous Targets and Retrieve Mission Archive.

Opponent's Agendas: Hunt & Slay and Tyranid Attack.

Having abandoned the doomed southern continent for the still viable western continent, the Rift Wardens have joined with numerus other survivours of the Talos crusade to halt the Tyranid advance in the vicinity of the mighty Vardenghast hive sprawl.

Not long after the chapter's arrival, the Hive Mind struck against the newly arrived Imperial defenders. The Tyranids attacked along the banks of the Varden Flow, a river that supplied water to the hive. This initial force lost half it's numbers as the Rift Wardens provided much needed firepower. However, the Tyranids had a decisive numeral advantage that the space marines could not stem. Reluctantly, Arthurus ordered his forces behind the walls of Vardenghast and prepared to weather the storm.

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