Wednesday, 29 November 2023

Battle for Outpost Goliath - Vigilus Wastelands

Points: 1200.

Mission: Insurgency

Detachment: Gladius Task Force.

Opponents Detachment: Traitoris Lance.

Agendas: Drive Them Back, Monstrous Targets and Recover Mission Archives.

Opponent's Agendas: Battlefield Survivours and Critical Objectives.

The assault on the Rift Wardens position at Outpost Goliath started mid morning with several Chaos Knights advancing on a forward fire base from the desert wastes. They successfully took the position by assault and fortified their location about a half mile from the space marine trenches.

As the sun rose above the horizon, the Chaos Knights reached the foot of a high ridge, where the Rift Wardens lay waiting. The attackers split into two waves, both of which reached their objectives at the same time. One force slaughtered their way through numerous space marines in the north redoubt, where the Rift Wardens resistance was not as heavy as other locations. But to the south, the resistance was much more effective.

The Rift Wardens quickly reorganized their forces and counter-attacked. Through this attack they reoccupied the greater part of their position although within an hour they were pushed out and the north redoubt firmly returned to traitor control. The Knights paid a heavy price in manpower during this engagement.

Arthurus ordered several counter-attacks along the front and it was not until two hours of close quarters combat that the Chaos Knights secured more territory. Arthurus personally led a flanking attempt but overshot the objective and came under heavy fire. The force took heavy casualties. Arthrus and lieutenant Tristan were almost killed by the enemy and barely escaped with their lives.

To the south, one force of Chaos Knights advanced and over three hours drove the Rift Wardens from their trench lines. However, the attacking forces unexpectedly opened up avenues of retreat for the Rift Wardens, and over several hours of fighting, they fell back into the deserts leaving the enemy in control of Outpost Goliath,

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