Wednesday, 1 November 2023

Operation Annihilation: Counter-Attack! - Vigilus Wastelands

Points: 2000.

Deployment and Mission: Dawn Of War / Targets Of Opportunity.

Primary Objective: Purge The Foe.

Detachment: Anvil Siege Force.

Opponents Detachment: Waaagh! Tribe.

Captain Gwaine's advance through the giant scrap city was delayed by Ork rearguard units, and the Orks used this to delay to heavily fortify their positions along a low ridge stretching through the ramshackle buildings north of the expected battleline. 

The Rift Wardens force contained a mix of heavy infantry, 1st company aggressors and a detachment of outriders. Gwaine decided to use his forces to directly assault the Ork positions while the outriders flanked around to the East. This strategy depended on surprise, an element which was lost when spotted by a greenskin patrol. Aerial reconnaissance detected Ork movement to reinforce their east flank but Gwaine decided to proceed regardless.

The battle opened shortly before dawn. The outriders did not flank far enough east and attacked the Ork position where it had been reinforced instead of circling around the trenches. The main infantry suffered significant losses and was only able to withdraw once the aggressors with Gwaine launched an attack on the center of the Ork trenches. At the end of the day, Gwaine broke off the engagement to prevent further casualties.

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