Tuesday, 12 December 2023

Jungle Warfare - Dharrovar

Points: 1500.

Deployment and Mission: Hammer And Anvil / Secret Intel.

Primary Objective: Supply Drop.

Detachment:  Anvil Siege Force.

Opponents Detachment: Combined Regiment.

South of the deep deserts on Dharrovar Secundus lays a vast expanse of alien jungle used for various military resources and hydropology. The jungles were home to a sizeable enemy Militarum force who were making Imperial inroads to the area difficult. As the war for Hindelgeist was going well, a request was directed to the Rift Wardens for assistance. Captain Oberon was dispatched with a force of battle brothers to assist in clearing out the enemy forces. However, things would not go well.

The enemy Militarum commanders contrived to deceive the Rift Wardens that an incoming attack was directed towards a forward firebase in the jungles, when their real goal was the orbital supply station at Jackasta Junction. Their expedition started moving towards the Junction but three squads of Catachans vanished somewhere in the foliage due to reasons unknown. Meanwhile the distraction force approached the firebase drawing the attention of the space marine defenders. The battle began with a surprise bombardment from enemy tanks before the main force charged forwards.

Three regiments attacked the Rift Wardens to secure their attention. Many of them knew this would be a suicidal mission but they would not be put down by the Imperial aggressors. The main Catachan regiment attacked the firebase directly while the others secured the perimeter and occupied the road through to the battle site. The Space Marines were soon significantly outnumbered. Oberon led a counter-attack which did inflict significant damage but by the time the enemy Militarum force retreated, the main attack on Jackasta Junction has been successful and they had escaped back into the jungle with a large amount of supplies and munitions. 

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