Friday, 12 January 2024

First Strike Repercussions - Serpentis

Points: 1200.

Mission: The Gathering Shroud.

Detachment: Anvil Strike Force.

Opponents Detachment: Cohort Cybernetica.

Agendas: Drive Them Back, Monstrous Targets and Recover Mission Archives.

Opponent's Agendas: Cold Logic and Tech Scavengers.

Returning from a crusade against the Tau, the Rift Wardens diverted from their patrol to the Mechanicus facility on Serpentis VII to rearm and resupply. Upon making orbit and communicating to the facilities below, the chapter was told to leave or be fired upon. When Arthurus once again requested supplies, the orbital defences opened fire and crippled one of the smaller support ship. The orbital station was immediately destroyed and Arthurus ordered an assault on the Mechanicus. Such betrayal would not go unanswered. The chapter deployed by drop pod and thunderhawk assault.

This engagement was the first battle between the Rift Wardens and the Mechanicus forces on Serpentis. The battle took place in several miles from the Rift Wardens base of operations against a first wave  of cybernetica robots. A force led by Captain Gwaine had a big success on the northern flank and the space marines gained a substantial amount of ground northwards, giving them some vital territory.

Arthurus led an attack on the Grelutt Plateau on the southern flank which captured a considerable amount of ground but failed to reach his primary objectives. Robot counter-attacks recaptured most of the lost territory over the afternoon. Infrequent dust storms prevented much of the Rift Wardens programme of aircraft support, which made it easier for the Mechanicus reserves to assemble on the battlefield.

An unusually large electrically charged dust storm rolled in over the next day, which hampered both forces to a large extent. This severely reduced the mobility of the infantry and the poor visibility hampered artillery and aircraft. The storm and the costly Mechanicus defense successes during this time forced the Rift Wardens too halt the offensive three days.

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