Sunday, 2 June 2024

The Black Fields Campaign Begins - Grendel

Points: 1000.

Deployment and Mission: Hammer And Anvil / Scrambler Fields

Primary Objective: Scorched Earth

Detachment: Gladius Strike Force.

Opponent's Detachment: Teleport Strike Force.

The Black Fields campaign took place over two weeks following the initial battle of Black Fields just days previously. Initially, the Grey Knights committed to large incursions into Rift Warden held territory. Firstly the main trade road into Ascension Hive was successfully captured over two days, followed by the capture of overlooking escarpments. The first battle for the larger Black Fields took place over several days when the Grey Knights mounted a large teleport strike, reinforced with terminator squads and dreadknights.

The Rift Wardens command base located in the Black Fields was strongly garrisoned and during the battle received reinforcements from units of eradicators coming from Ascension Hive itself. Their presence on the battlefield proved effective and eventually forced the attacking Grey Knights to retire back to their own lines. Their retreat and other victories here allowed the Rift Wardens to consolidate their positions. The front line was adjusted to compensate for expected teleport assaults.

After several unsuccessful attempts by the Grey Knights, a new attack was led by grand master Voldus against the main trade road once more. The Grey Knights under his command came under heavy fire from the entrenched Rift Wardens but they fought through to reach the space marines, and under Voldus' leadership they began recapturing former positions.

Meanwhile strike teams and purifiers marched north and south of the main assault. Their objective was to effectively cut the space marines supply lines from Ascension Hive. That supply line was strongly defended by the Rift Wardens and their positions had been reinforced to better repel the Grey Knights. The strike squads and dreadknights were sent forward to bolster the attack to the north but this took considerable time to organise. Athought the combined force of Grey Knight battle brothers with dreadknight support made a determined attack but Voldus was forced to withdraw them when it became clear that the defenders were too strong, making it difficult if not impossible to achieve the operation's objective. After days of fighting, the only territorial gains the Grey Knights achieved were minimal.

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