Tuesday, 20 August 2024

The Battle of Teluu Salt Flats - Vigilus Wastelands

 Points: 3000.

The Battle of Teluu Salt Flats was a minor engagement during the Vigilus crusade, after a marauding war band of World Eaters attacked a Rift Warden garrison on the edge if the aforementioned salt flats. The site has been occupied by the space marines since shortly after their arrival on the planet. Following a series of local Ork raids, the space marine chapter decided to make this a strategic defensive sight.

A World Eater war band attacked the patrolling outriders on the edge of the salt flats, while Kharn the Betrayer led a force directly into the heart of the out post. As these attacks took place, on the far side of the salt flats, the servants of the Blood God deployed two companies to attack Imperial bridgeheads between the hive cities. The space marines were overwhelmed and slaughtered, and because of this defeat, the World Eaters were in a position to attack other Imperial forces unopposed.

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