Saturday, 21 September 2024

Battle of Pumping Station Delta 001 - Talos

Points: 2000.

Deployment and Mission: Dawn of War / Fog of War.

Primary Objective: Purge The Foe.

Detachment: Anvil Siege Force.

Opponents Detachment: Vanguard Onslaught.

This offensive was planned by captain Lorgraine, who devised a high-risk frontal assault which required his battle brothers to cross a series of devastated sewage treatment plants to attack the Tyranids from a vantage of high ground, as they spilled into the city. The plan failed when the assaulting marines were unable to cross the pumping station grounds due to a deadly chemical spill. After this setback, Lorgraine was forced to take a longer route to reach the desired location.

The Rift Wardens crossed the outskirts of the pumping station, supported by elements from their brothers in the White Scars chapter. Two significantly undermanned White Scars companies charged in ahead to distract the forces of the hive mind. The local Tyranid forces were devastated and fell back into the streets. In the rear, the Rift Wardens brought up their own forces and the civilian engineers set to work repairing the pumping station. 

With the White Scars scouring the streets, the Rift Wardens held their position and protected the civilians while they repaired the station and re-established fresh water to the protected hab blocks further into the city. The next day, Lorgraine led his battle brothers into the streets and through their bravery, the streets around this district was cleared of the Tyranid threat... for now. The Rift Wardens and White Scars both sustained casualties but they had ensured that the Tyranids were funneled elsewhere into Vardenghast.

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