Wednesday, 11 September 2024

The Black Fields Aflame! - Grendel


Points: 1500.

Mission: Kicking The Nest.

Detachment: Anvil Strike Force.

Opponents Detachment: Teleport Strike Force.

Agendas: Central Position, Duel of Honour and Malefic Hunter.

Opponent's Agendas: Headhunters and Reap A Tally.

The Grey Knights command refused Crowe's demands to continue the Black Fields offensive, as it was felt that the attack was faltering as the Grey Knight forces outran their supplies and tank support, and the Rift Wardens reserves were being moved to reinforce Ascension Hive. Instead, Crowe was ordered to plan an offensive to take the hive city.

Crowe's forces launched the next phase of the campaign by assaulting what was left of the space marines in the Black Fields. The assault was widened by further reinforcements in the next few days. During the next week, the Grey Knights pressure along the entire front was heavy and unrelenting. For the Rift Wardens, each day was spent in bloody fighting against an ever on-storming enemy force.

The second battle began shortly thereafter, with a new offensive north of the hive city itself. That developed into an advance which pushed the Rift Wardens, under chapter master Arthurus, back from the fields and into the walls of Ascension Hive. The Grey Knights then widened the attack to include the fields south of the hive sprawls. The Grey Knights breached the outer walls a couple days later at the battle of Apothe Gate. 

The following morning, the Grey Knights seized control of the outer fields. Space marine casualties were heavy while the Grey Knights suffered far fewer losses. By noon of this day, Arthurus ordered his battle brothers into the city. Here they would make their stand.

Faced with these advances, Arthurus issued fresh ordered to hold the outer gates. With this, the Rift Wardens ceded control of the now burning fields to the enemy. They had to admit defeat at this time. Within three days, the Rift Wardens were forced back into the hive proper. Now, unless the situation changed, the Rift Wardens were forced into a vicious city fight for their own survival.

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