Sunday, 20 October 2024

Battle for the Artemis Line - Tartaria

Points: 1600.

Mission: Interdimensional Clash.

Detachment: Gladius Task Force.

Opponents Detachment: Retaliation Cadre.

Agendas: Defiance Unfurled, Know No Fear, and Monstrous Targets.

Opponent's Agendas: Outflank and Encircle, and Protect The Leadership.

The battle of the Artemis Line was a major offensive against the Farsight Enclaves. After driving the Enclaves back under Operation: Planetstrike, the Rift Wardens captured territory once held by the enemy while continuing to push the Enclaves away from the great hive cities of Tartaria. Having cut the Enclaves off from any reinforcements, the space marines proceeded eastwards to attack and capture more territory from the enemy, before moving on to attack and decimate multiple detachments of the Enclave forces. 

The Rift Warden advance force, commanded by chapter master Arthurus, began the Battle for the Artemis Line in the early morning followed by further breakthrough attacks by outriders. Meanwhile, on the right flank, the battle began with a drop pod assault against the forces holding a line of fortified hills. During this engagement, it soon became apparent that the battle was going to be a success for the Rift Wardens.

After leaving a companies worth of intercessors to hold the newly acquired territory against any counter-attacks, Arthurus continued to lead his battle brothers eastwards to attack and capture further territory. With the Enclaves in full retreat, they continued to pursue and engaged Commander Farsight himself. Once again, Arthurus fought a heroic battle against the enemy commander, striking a devastating blow which laid low the enemy commander. The Enclave forces recovered their grievously wounded commander but it was too late. The Imperial forces now controlled the lands around the capitol of Tartaria.

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