Saturday, 2 November 2024

The Dark Streets - Birmingham

Points: 2000.

Deployment and Mission: Tipping Point / Hidden Supplies.

Primary Objective: Take And Hold.

Detachment: Vanguard Spearhead.

Opponents Detachment: Skysplinter Assault.

After receiving thousands of reinforcements from the webway, the Drukhari withdrew north to regroup against the space marine forces. Following an attack by the Rift Wardens, the Drukhari continued to fall back into the dark city streets, where they joined forces with more reinforcements. 

While the Drukhari bolstered their forces, the Rift Wardens set up defences around the surrounding districts, attempting to somehow contain the alien raiders. The Drukhari found themselves surrounded by space marine companies, with their tanks stationed along a high ground overlooking the alien staging grounds. Lillith devised a plan to break the encirclement - a surprise attack on the weakest link in the Imperial defence - and managed to convince the archon to enact the attack.

Lillith launched the attack during what passes for day on Birmingham. She led the charge while other Drukhari forces providied covering fire with raiders and ravagers. The wytch cult overtly approached the Rift Wardens, undetected by the space marines. The attack worked phenomenally well, forcing many marines to fall back or be slain. Many were pursued, captures and dragged away to the Dark City.

In the course of battle, the Drukhari captured territory and many prisoners. Many space marines died during this attack, and it led to the alien aggressors once again breaking out into the hive city once more.

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