Tuesday, 5 November 2024

The Defence of Hive Apothis - Talos

Points: 1000.

Mission: Screaming Into The Void.

Detachment: Anvil Siege Force.

Opponents Detachment: Invasion Fleet.

Agendas: Critical Objectives, Drive Them Back and Monstrous Targets.

Opponent's Agendas: Hunt & Slay and Tyrannoform The Prey World.

The Defence of Hive Apothis was fought shortly after the fall of Vardenghast, in the last days of the Talos colony. After the Tyranid's victory over that hive city, the remnants of the Rift Wardens and the Imperial defenders were pursued across the warped countryside. More and more organisms poured into the battle zone after them, hunting down and slaughtering any that failed to escape. A remnant force of Rift Wardens, led by librarian Anwyr, managed to cross hundreds of miles to reach the last remaining bastion of Imperial defiance, Hive Apothis.

The Tyranids followed behind, pursuing along their right flank. Once the space marines reached the hive city, the Tyranids threw themselves against the walls under the cover of nightfall. Some of these bypassed the entrenched defenders and soon the streets were the scene of savage hand to hand fighting, which continued through the night. It was not enough and by morning, the xenos had breached the defences.

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