Points: 2000.
Deployment and Mission: Dawn of War / Fog of War.
Primary Objective: Take and Hold.
Detachment: Firestorm Assault Force.
Opponents Detachment: War Horde.
In the early hours, Ork forces attacked the wasteland cargo depot from three sides. At the same time, squig riders headed eastwards to cut off any reinforcements from aiding the defenders. The defenders put up a strong resistance but only the sudden arrival of a Rift Warden force gave them any hope. With their presence ensuring that the battle ensued for longer than the greenskin warboss expected, rokkitboy reinforcements were called in.
Heavy fighting lasted throughout the day and into the night with many casualties on both sides. The ork squig riders managed to halt the Rift Wardens and allowed the greenskins to push deeper into the depot. The orks went building to building, killing and looting.
On the morning of the third day, the main Ork assault began, with more and more reinforcements running in from the wastelands, After an further hour of heavy fighting, the depot was captured and with it vast amounts of lootable ammunition and equipment.
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