Points: 1500.
Deployment and Mission: Hammer and Anvil / Rapid Escalation.
Primary Objective: Scorched Earth.
Detachment: Anvil Siege Force.
Opponents Detachment: Combined Regiment.
At this time, a Rift Wardens company sized force was stationed in the Gandos Distrixt. The commander of the force was Captain Galadhus. The force consisted of intercessors and heavy intercessors, although many were scattered around the district in small squads. The enemy Militarum forces were a mix of war weary guardsmen and a number of battle tanks. With these forces, the enemy commander managed to repel the space marine intercessor squads. As soon as the counter-attacks began, Galadhus ordered the bulk of his forces to regroup and launch a full assault. The clashes lasted for two days. At this time, thunderhawks arrived and unloaded more intercessors into the rear of the enemy lines. Surrounded by the Emperor's finest, the enemy forces were decimated. The first Imperial victory in Gothos raised morale and the war was renewed.
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