Tuesday, 29 June 2021

The Walls Fell - Mortwald

Points: 1250.

Mission: Homebrew.

The Astra Militarum commander assigned to Mortwald followed a strategy of stalling the Chaos advance in a desperate attempt to hold out until reinforcements could arrive. He knew that Mortwald had been all but abandoned by the Imperial command but his devote and faith held out. After six months of fighting off wave after wave of heretic astartes, help finally came in the form of the Rift Wardens chapter. Within days of the space marine reinforcements arriving, Mortwald's trenchworks are besieged by a huge force of World Eaters led by the infamous Kharn the Betrayer. 

The World Eaters attack came in the early hours. Before dawn they had slaughtered their way through the outer trenchworks and were advancing into the Imperial defences. Wave after wave of Raptors assaulted the lines ahead of the main force, exposing holes for the main Berzerker squads to breach with ease/ As the sun rose, the World Eaters smashed through those defences and the Rift Wardens redeployed to stem the advance. 

Kharn's forces took it's position at the head of the assault, crossing the shattered walls into the habitat districts. There they slaughtered guardsmen and civilians alike. By midday the Imperial forces were in full retreat and the World Eaters pursued them, cutting them down and coating the streets red with blood. 

The Rift Wardens were able to halt the advance initially, even inflicting enough injury to Kharn that he was taken out of the fight. However, despite this, the number of World Eaters was too strong to fully stop with out significant help. The loyalist marines fell back, providing a rear guard for the fleeing guardsmen. 

The battle was ultimately a massive defeat for the Imperium. Mortwald was falling to the Chaos hordes and it would appear that there was little that the defenders could do to stop it.

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