Saturday, 10 July 2021

Initial Assault - Dharrovar


Points: 1250.

Mission: Homebrew.

Before the Imperial forces could safely travel through the Nachmund Gauntlet to bolster Vigilus, they had to reclaim the Knight World of Dharrover, which had fallen into the hands of a traitorous Knight lord. The troops garrisoned there had no knowledge of this but had to be fought if Dharrover was to be secured.

The Rift Wardens were one of several chapters dispatched to launch a surprise attack on the defenders. The plan was for the Rift Wardens to assault the garrison defending the planet's void shields, while other chapters penetrated the shield generators to destroy them.

Under heavy anti-air fire, the Rift Wardens strike force attacked the defensive lines of a Cadian garriosn protecting the outer walls of the shield generator. Although they numbered only 400 men and women, and armed with antiquated supplies, the Cadians were able to repel the space marine assault twice before they were able to breach the defensive gates. The Rift Wardens then spread through the fortifications engaging the guardsmen in close ranged firefights and brutal assault.

Despite the successful early attack, the Rift Wardens assault was blunted by prolonged artillery strikes, followed by infantry counter-assaults. Armed with some mechanized elements and heavy weapon emplacements, the Cadian forces inflicted heavy casualties upon the space marines. After nine repeated attempts, the Rift Wardens were forced to retreat. While they had taken casualties and forced to pull back from the battle, their brothers in the Ultramarines and Sons of Orar chapters were successful in destroying the planetary shield generators allowing the main Imperial force to make significant landings.

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