Sunday, 29 August 2021

Dirkden City Fight - Dirkden Hivesprawl

Points: 1500.

Mission: Abandoned City.

Secondary Objectives: Assassinate, Engage On All Fronts and Oaths of Moment.

The battle began in the early morning before sunrise when the Genestealer Cult detonated a series of explosives in the sewers and waste tunnels beneath the Imperial lines. This act of terrorism killed many thousands of guardsmen and dropped a number of tanks and artillery pieces into those fire filled tunnels. The Astra Militarum commanders sought permission to the withdraw but the Rift Wardens advised that retreat was cowardice and would only undermine the victories that the space marines had so far achieved in the Dirkeden Hivesprawl. Cultists began making probing attacks within a few hours of daybreak.

By mid-afternoon, the cult had suffered heavy casualties thanks to the Rift Wardens, and had only been successful in dislodging the Astra Militarum from some entrenched forward positions. Although outnumbered the Imperial forces had better weapons and a higher rate of fire. Both sides were committed to a tight city fight by early evening. By nightfall, the cult had suffered extreme losses while the Astra Militarum had not weathered their attacks surprisingly well. The failure of the xenos attacks bolstered the Imperial defenders morale.

The Genestealer Cult counter attack came during the midnight hour with the cult attacking the Astra Militarum left flank, quickly overrunning them and into the central lines. The cult captured territory that had been hard won by the space marines just days earlier. The cult moved it's heavy weapons forward but little return fire took place. The cult forces emerged from their hiding places and captured further territory from the Imperium. This final engagement saw the cult drive the Astra Militarum from their positions, forcing the Rift Wardens to perform a rear guard action to cover the retreat. The chapter was far from pleased and the company soon needed a new commander, one more agreeable to the chapter's efforts in the war.

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