Sunday, 29 August 2021

The Tables Turned - Vigilus Wastelands

Points: 1750.

Mission: Ambush.

Secondary Oaths of Moment, Psychic Ritual and Slay the Warlord.

The great rift pulsed with the arrival of Abbadon's forces, and hideous daemons of Chaos materialised across the wastelands of Vigilus. Chapter Master Arthurus of the Rift Wardens sought permission from Marneus Calgar to take the fight to these horrors. After all that was what the chapter had been created to do. Permission was given and Arthurus sought to entrap a marching force in an ambush of massed firepower and whirring chainswords. However, the chapter master of the Rift Wardens had not counted on the presence of the infamous Keiros Fateweaver being in the number, nor for the fact that the greater daemon of Tzeentch had forseen this very act.

Fateweaver's plan to turn the tables on the space marines began with a careful build up of amassed daemonic forces. Ultimately the daemon intended to push his forces forward towards the Imperial lines and cause as much devastation as possible while the Despoiler committed his forces to his own schemes. 

As Fateweaver had foreseen, the Rift Wardens maneuverered into set pincer positions ahead of the daemonic advance. He marched his forces into that line of fire before screeching into the dusty air. Immediately the daemons raced to the sides, assaulting the space marines who had been confident of their planned attack.

One flank of the Rift Wardens pincer was quickly decimated by waves of flamers and bloodletters. Many marines died but the rest proceeded to retreat into the desert drawing some of the daemons out with them, and away from the main space marine force. Taken by surprised an unprepared for such savagery, the Arthurus ordered a hasty retreat when even he could not fell the mighty Fateweaver. Their one victory was the defeat of the khornate hearld, Skulltaker, who was banished back into the Warp.

Fateweaver had won a tactical victory by defeating the space marines, but his forces had suffered such losses that they could do little more than be a nuisance to the Imperial forces scouring the deserts of Vigilus. A pyrrhic victory at best for both sides. 

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